The ancient European cultures used to build fires to celebrate Summer Solstice even if the weather was hot. The fires were to call back the power of the Sun as it was known that once the longest day of the year passed by the Sun would be moving towards earlier sunsets. The decreasing of the Sun’s light takes place in the midst of the hottest days of the year – even nature has irony. We struggle so hard to define ourselves through our separate personalities and skills but in truth we are more similar to everything in the universe than we like to believe and that includes the ironic parts of being alive – humor is good – enjoy the Solstice.
Solstice Tid-Bit
About the Author: Linda
Linda was designated as a “Jyotish Visharada” by the Council of Vedic Astology. She has also been awarded certificates for her studies with Dennis Flaherty and David Frawley. Linda is authorized to teach for the CVA.
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