We end the summer of 2015 in eclipse energy. September 13th is the solar eclipse and September 27th is the lunar eclipse. These are the final eclipses for 2015 and we are already feeling the chaotic and illusion filled energy of the eclipses.

In addition to the eclipse energy we have a few other patterns which can add to the confusion: August 28th there is an exact conjunction between Mercury and Rahu. This conjunction takes place in the sign of Virgo which are actually good signs for both Mercury and Rahu. However, even in good signs this energy requires keeping a close eye on the nervous system as well as using discrimination in the words we hear and the words we use. September 18th Mercury begins his retrograde motion which will last until October 8th. Mercury will be retrograde during the eclipses and it is advised that we stay grounded and to be mentally prepared for surprises during this time period. As always with eclipse energy it serves all of us well to not pay too much attention to media chatter – the focus should be on taking care of our bodies and exercising patience.

August 31st brings an exact conjunction between retrograde Venus and debilitated Mars in the sign of Cancer. Family life might bring an extra dose of tension or conflict and it is best to not take words or feelings too seriously at this time. Creative activities as well as laughter will serve us well during this conjunction. I find that the energy is often more intense as the planets are moving towards the “exact” conjunction – try to find harmonious and non-serious activities during this cycle. The debilitated Mars can sap us of energy and cause impatience with others. Each planet has a degree in which a debilitation or exaltation are strongest. For Mars that degree is 28 degrees of Cancer which indicates that September 11th is when Mars will be at his most negative. September 16th Mars moves into Leo which is a much better placement for our fiery friend and we do not have to speak about Mars debilitated for approximately 18 months from now.

It has been a stressful summer and I’ve spoken with many people who are feeling overwhelmed and hopeless as they faced various struggles in their personal lives in a world that seems to have gone mad. This type of energy can be most difficult for those who like to be able to plan out their actions with an eye towards a concrete goal. This is a time period which brings to mind that adage “We make plans and God laughs.” If we have goals, dreams and expectations it is best at this time to not be too attached to them as the only thing we truly have control over is our own reactions to people and events that impact our lives. It is a time of personal growth and patience – we can not change the world but we can can change and evolve within ourselves during this time period. Appropriately this energy is the end of summer and like the summertime activities of swimming and riding roller coasters the fun and enjoyment is much better if we don’t try to control the roller coaster or the ocean waves.