Today, 12/02, at approximately 4 P.M. Eastern Time Mercury will go into retrograde motion until 12/23.  This will happen in the sign of Sagittarius and keep Mercury conjunct with Saturn until 12/11 when Mercury will slip back into the sign of Scorpio.

Tomorrow, 12/03 at approximately 10:30 A.M., Eastern Time will be the Full Moon.  This Full Moon will take place with the Sun in SCORPIO and the Moon in TAURUS.  No, it will not be a cheerful Full Moon in Sagittarius.  The energy of the Mercury retrograde along with the Scorpio/ Taurus energy of the Full Moon can make this Full Moon feel much quieter than the usual Full Moon energy.  It is best to flow with the energy and focus attention on quiet activities and healthy activities.

Jyotish speaks of a yoga (configuration) known as “Kala Sarpa” which means that all of the 7 visible planets are placed between the nodal points known as Rahu and Ketu.   When a natal chart contains a Kala Sarpa yoga it can indicate that the person who has the chart can have karmas which will have to be dealt with in the lifetime and/or a destiny that must be fulfilled.  There can be wonderful qualities contained within the Kala Sarpa as well as problems which the individual will need great help in solving.  It is not unusual for people with this particular configuration to confound and frustrate others in their lives because everyone can see the challenge that needs to be met and the solutions which will help but the actual person.  Once the person matures the natural abilities and positive qualities of the kala sarpa can manifest.

The world moved into a Kala Sarpa configuration on 9/15/16 and will be experiencing this until 2/6/18 when Venus breaks the pattern by moving into Aquarius.  (Interestingly, the election of 2016 was under a Kala Sarpa and elected a person who was born under an eclipse.) There will be an eclipse on 1/31/18 and another on 2/15/18.

If you feel as if at the present moment your life is stuck in a  repetitive pattern which plays out the same awful reel day after day after day you can look to the Kala Sarpa as one of the reasons why we are stuck in such an awful groove.  The pattern can shift after the mid-February.  We can begin to see some solutions, change and light at the end of the tunnel at that point.

Until then the journey must continue to be an inward one.  It is a good time to take care of health matters, important relationships and our own mental/emotional states of being.  We are endowed with the perfection of self. We can draw on the power of the truth of self to allow us to move through this time period in peace and harmony. There is a freedom in knowing that this is a moment when we take care of what we can and we can do so without the burden of anxiety if we just take care of ourselves and let the world spin in the orbit of the Kala Sarpa.


I often like to post quick updates on the ever-shifting planetary positions more frequently than I post on the blog.  It can be cumbersome and time-consuming to notify everyone about a new blog posting.  Please be aware that I post on twitter @LindaAstroYoga and have put up a new Facebook page which deals primarily with astrology, yoga, etc. Please feel free to join us at: