The Moon will be leaving Gemini on June 8th at 6:50 p.m., eastern time at which point he will move into his home sign of Cancer – until that point the Moon is considered void of course which can cause feelings of tiredness as well as feelings of being a “bit out of it.”  Many are feeling an overload of the nervous system since the Moon is still close to the Sun and Mercury retrograde – it’s as if the mind is trying to push forward while the body and the world are not cooperating.  For the rest of the day do what needs to be done and leave the superhero cape locked in the closet.

Gemini has a strong influence on all transportation and communication this weekend’s events of a fuel train crash in Quebec as well as the plane crashes in San Francisco and Alaska are, at least partially, the result of the planetary overload in Gemini. 

The best we can do is take care of our own nervous systems and the content of our thoughts….breathe, breathe, breathe.