Mars has certainly been flexing his muscles since he entered the sign of Cancer.  We are seeing the influence of this aggressive planet from the war cry in Syria to the grouchy sales clerk at our local supermarket.  Due to the influence of the sign of Cancer I am witnessing discord in family life and relationships in general.  Cancer is the sign of family and Mars rules siblings so the tension can even affect the children of families.

During the holiday weekend the Moon is moving into the sign of Cancer on September 1st at approximately 8:00 a.m., Eastern Time.  The Moon will remain in Cancer until September 3rd at approximately 7:20 p.m., Eastern Time. The movement of the Moon entering the sign of Cancer will add a level of emotion to relationships in general especially on the home-front.  Expect the unexpected from loved ones along with a strong dose of others being in a more negative mindset. Americans generally have little extra time and try to get too much accomplished during a long weekend.  It is best to keep expectations low and to not try to get “all” projects and goals accomplished.  One of the best anecdotes to Mars is laughter – take time out to play and relax.  Mars and the Moon are not good planets for alcohol consumption – it might be prudent to keep drinking as a part of a good time to a minimum.

The “good” news is that the New Moon will take place in the sign of Leo this month – the Moon moves into Leo on September 3rd at 7:30 p.m. and the exact New Moon occurs on September 5th at approximately 7:20 a.m.  The benefit of us being in the New Moon cycle is that often people experience a lower flow of energy during the New Moon and a lower energy level can keep aggression at bay while helping us all keep our own reactions in check.

I’ve written before about the “bewitching hours” which are times when the energy seems to become more negative while at the same time conflicts and the unexpected seem to be more prevalent.  Since we are dealing with Mars and his inclination towards impulse and aggression I thought it would be helpful to list the general approximate time periods when it will be best to maintain a cool head.  All times are “eastern” – 2:20 – 4:30 a.m. (sleep patterns may be less restful), 10 a.m. – 12:25 p.m., and 5:00 p.m. – 7:45 p.m.  I expect that the evening hours are the most bewitching and everyone should expect some type of delays during rush hour.

There is nothing anyone can do to stop or change the movement of the planets but an understanding of the energies gives us the opportunity to utilize the more positive qualities.  Mars likes activity, laughter, exercise and competition.  This weekend is a good time for athletic activities, creative projects, and good movies.  Due to the placement in Cancer it is a good weekend for enjoying a good meal or outdoor grilling.    The most important step any of us can take is to be determined to not react with anger or to make life altering decisions with angry impulse or as a reaction to someone else’s anger.