Hello Everyone,

This is the first post to the blog for 2014.  Along with many others the January flu hit hard.  I am glad to be back and feeling well again.

As I write this on February 6th I am rushing to get it on-line before Mercury goes retrograde at 4:40 pm, Eastern Time, in the sign of Aquarius.  Mercury will retrograde until February 28th.  During his retrograde cycle he will move from the sign of Aquarius back into Capricorn on February 18th and will stay in Capricorn until March 12th.  The good news is that both Capricorn and Aquarius are good signs for Mercury.  The better news is that when he is in the sign of Aquarius he will be aspected by Jupiter and that aspect is protective.  Due to the retrograde motion Jupiter will aspect Mercury for a longer time. 

No matter what the delays and/or confusion of Mercury retrograde the Jupiter aspect will give us all support in staying positive and confident that delays are just delays and no matter how unstable or confusing the world may seem if we stay disciplined and hopeful this time period can also be a time period of growth and inner peace.

Since we are talking about Mercury (media) and the world is still going through a transitional time it is important to not listen to too much of the fear mongering of the media or to pay too much attention to those who prefer a negative approach to life.  Mercury retrogrades are always a time to slow down a bit and to pay attention to our nervous systems and communication skills.  It is a time to rest when possible, eat well, do some yoga and breath work along with enjoying good music, a good book and/or a funny movie.  No matter how the world appears we gain nothing by not allowing ourselves some enjoyment, love and laughter.

Mars is now in the sign of Libra sharing space with both Saturn and Rahu.  This can put stress on relationships if we are not careful of our words and our tempers.  There is so much confusion in the world right now that sometimes it seems that the wisest course of action is to choose kindness towards others whenever possible.  Many people are confused right now and have little awareness of the cycles of the planets which can put them at a disadvantage during this time period. It can be helpful in all relationships if those of us who know that there is planetary stress on relationships take the lead and try not to add to the fears and confusion of others. 

Jupiter is also offering protection to the sign of Libra which will help us all keep our perspective in place.  There is even further protection with the movement of Mars.  He will come close to the exact conjunction with Rahu but due to his own retrograde motion will begin to move away from that conjunction as he turns retrograde on March 1st and by March 25th he will be back in the sign of Virgo and will not meet with Rahu until July and the very quick conjunction will happen without the influence of Saturn which is fortunate – we are getting to dodge a bullet though there may be some surprises on the world wide horizon in the next few weeks.

This year is the last year of the chart of America being so influenced by the planet Mars.  I will be writing more about this in the future.  At the current moment the energy feels a bit unstable and all of the retrogrades can make life seem confusing and even filled with hopeful promise but little delivery.  This is also the year when Saturn, Jupiter and the Nodal points all change signs which indicates that the current flow we’ve felt stuck in is about to change. Change is one of the constants on planet earth and it is always good when we get to change challenges and that shift is the promise of 2014.

I’ve tried to return all calls and emails – if there is anyone I’ve not gotten back to please call or send me a reminder email and I will get back to you. 

For those of you who prefer to communicate via texting please be aware that I’ve now opened up a private chat room and sessions can be done in a similar way to texting – all sessions are then sent to you via email which also eliminates the need to listen to an entire recording if you are searching for a bit of information.