The Moon enters Cancer on July 25th at 11:00 pm, eastern time which is the beginning of the New Moon cycle for the month of July. The exact New Moon takes place on the 26th at 6:38 pm, eastern time. The energy will be lower for this weekend – it can be a respite from the high levels of impulse, anger and fear that appears to have overtaken planet earth in the last couple of weeks.
Because of the effects of that Rahu/Moon conjunction many impulsive and stupid decisions were made during that time. Now, as Mars moves closer to its conjunction with Saturn the price is being paid for the decisions made under the impulsive and illusionary Rahu. We will not see good decisions or positive conclusions for the month of August. We should remember that the media is Rahu’s playground and the information we are receiving can be erroneous and will definitely be dramatic with the goal of keeping everyone afraid. We don’t have to follow the script.
Use this weekend’s quiet energy to release the fear and make a determination to not give into the drama around us – it really is not as bad as it appears.
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