Most astrologers have an interest in history and stay abreast of current events. The election of 2024 is an important one and, as mentioned in my last blog, I was planning on writing about the 1900 McKinley election because of the similarities between the charts of 1900 and 2024. President Biden decided to not run, and his decision changed the focus of what I was planning to write.
After researching I decided to focus on the Democratic Convention which begins on August 19th in the city of Chicago. As we all know the US chart is under the Mahadasa of Rahu. In addition to the Mahadasa rulers we also need to take into consideration the transits of the slower moving planets such as Saturn as well as the Nodal Points which stay in one sign for 18 months.
Rahu is known for surprises and illusion, and we’ve already had a strong taste of the Rahu Mahadasa through the presence of a convicted felon trying to regain the White House. Trump was born during an eclipse which was helpful in his winning of the White House at the very beginning of the Rahu Mahadasa in 2015. Rahu is known for chaos and certainly Trump gave us a lot of that!
While doing the research for this article I realized that Trump was actually the end result of a turn that was taken during the Democratic convention of1968. For Democrats 1968 was a hard year as Martin Luther King was killed on 4/4 and Robert Kennedy on 6/6 of that year.
The country was embroiled in opposition to the Viet Nam war and campaigns for civil rights for people of color and women. The Democrats planned their convention for August 26th in Chicago while the opposition continued. It was at the 1968 convention that the Democratic party lost its fight and became the party which was afraid of bullies. It was the beginning of the destruction of the social safety net and the beginning of another attempted take-over of the entire country by a handful of oligarchs.
The chart for the convention of 1968, like the chart for the 2024 convention, had Rahu in Pisces. Despite the enthusiasm of the democratic constituents for Eugene McCarthy the “leaders” of the party chose Hubert Humphrey. Outside the convention hall multitudes of people protested along with violent police push-back.
Rather than the protests leading to the Democratic party leaders choosing the candidate the people wanted they chose a “safe” candidate. Ultimately, the protests ended up giving the GOP the potent weapon of the culture wars along with a false claim of them being the patriots. Now fifty-six years later it seems as if we are getting the opportunity to course correct.
It is notable that in 1968 Richard Nixon would become President and he would retire before the process of impeachment was finalized. Unfortunately, Gerald Ford would eventually pardon him which set the stage for Donald Trump’s various legal crimes.
Richard Nixon also created the Southern Strategy which Ronald Reagan would use when he defeated Jimmy Carter in 1980. Ronald Reagan would be President from 1981 to 1989 and would give us the failed “trickle down” economic system as well as the encouragement of being anti-federal government.
During this time democratic baby boomers retreated to suburbia and voted quietly so as not to offend their republican friends and neighbors. The media became masters of false equivalency and while we did have Bill Clinton as a Democratic president he was forced to make deals which were not good for the American people to keep the Congress from impeaching him for an affair.
In 2008 President Obama became the 1st Black President and he had to work with a Congress broken completely by Newt Gingrich. I believe that we got the Affordable Care Act because of President Obama’s determination and Nancy Pelosi’s mastery of the House of Representatives. Despite President Obama’s success in cleaning up the mess left by the prior administration much of Obama’s agenda was thwarted by a dysfunctional Congress.
I won’t even go into Trump’s administration.
President Biden has done a good job for the average American, but his age was a hindrance to his re-election. Mr. Biden dropping out and nominating Vice President Harris in his stead was an unexpected Rahu action. The shock-waves from President Biden’s decision have been felt across the entire political spectrum.
While the convention of 1968 shares the placement of Rahu with the convention of 2024 there are some big differences. The younger voters finally outnumber the baby boomers and they do not carry the memory of the 1968 assassinations of beloved leaders. The younger voters are not afraid of the GOP and due to their mastery of social media have taken the edge back from the trolls used by the GOP to spread lies and misinformation to help Trump win.
There are also distinct differences in the charts. Pisces is the sign of compassion and Rahu, in 1968, had a destructive influence on social compassion. (Who can forget the: “it’s not personal it’s just business” mantra?) This was because the chart had little to support the people or the Democrats. The Moon is always the indicator of the people (meaning general population). In the 1968 chart the Moon was conjunct Ketu the South Node of the Moon. Ketu generally works through denial and even suffering. The 1968 chart did nothing at all for the people. The 1968 chart had a very strong stellium of Leo planets which is the sign of leaders, and the leaders chose to use the 4 planets in Leo, to protect themselves by picking someone who would not make waves.
Saturn is the planet of the Democratic party and in the 1968 chart he was debilitated in Aries. This placement supported the “leaders” in their misguided decision to ignore the will of the people and nominate someone who, while probably a decent man, had debilitated Saturn along with a New Moon in his chart. Mr. Humphrey just did not have the charm or energy to be elected.
The 2024 chart does not have the same problems. The Moon is conjunct Saturn in his own sign of Aquarius which shows that the leaders of the party are in alignment with the people of this country. Rahu is involved and Mars will be presenting difficulties which indicates that there are still going to be challenges as well as excitement. The biggest challenge will be the legal bag of tricks that the GOP is going to try and use to defeat democracy in favor of their fever dream of creating a theocracy for the people and unlimited power for the wealthy.
The charts for VP Harris and Governor Walz have charts that are harmonious with each other and the chart of the US. Their Rahu’s are conjunct and in good position for the US chart. VP Harris has transit Jupiter conjunct her natal Jupiter and Governor Walz has his Venus in the same place in the sign of Taurus. Importantly, neither chart is affected by Ketu and both charts have Saturn conjunct the US Saturn. This conjunction is in the universal sign of Aquarius and conjunct the natal Moon of America’s chart. It is time for America to take another step towards its destiny of freedom for all.
The opponent’s charts do not show the same indicators. Trump’s chart has lost its Jupiter protection both in the Mahadasa sequence and by the transit Ketu aspecting his Jupiter. JD’s chart has the Moon (people) conjunct transit Ketu which indicates denial of the support of the people. JD’s Sun and Venus will be conjunct debilitated Mars on election day which does not bode well for him.
I believe that the planets are supporting us in trying to bend that “arc of justice” for everyone. It’s not going to be an easy election because the GOP has been minority ruling this country for decades and they will fight back. However, the universal order appears to support the efforts of the general population to have a chance at a decent life. Perhaps this election cycle we just have to care and vote for the greater good?