Between now and August 9th, we are going to experience the Lunar and Solar Eclipse cycle, Mercury retrograde, and Mars being in debilitation.  It seems that much of the summer of 2019 will be hot, confusing, and fraught with both personal and worldly challenges.

MERCURY retrograde – 7/7 to 7/31 (Gemini/Cancer)

ECLIPSES – 7/3 and 7/16 (Gemini Sagittarius)

MARS goes into debilitation 6/23 to 8/9 (From Gemini to Cancer)

SATURN retrograde until 9/17 (Sagittarius) closely conjunct Ketu

During times of planetary challenges, there are always opportunities for both personal growth and inner peace if we are prepared and determined to be non-reactive to outer circumstances. The three signs that will see most of the action are Gemini, Cancer, and Sagittarius which are the signs containing the eclipses as well as Mars (until 6/23) and Mercury.  Those who have major placements in these three signs will be under the direct glare of our planetary friends. Major placements would be having the Ascendant, Moon, or Sun in the above-mentioned signs.  However, all of us have these signs somewhere in our charts through house rulership, and the activities indicated by the houses will be heightened this summer.

Mars is currently in the sign of Gemini along with Rahu, the north node of the Moon.  Mars is usually associated with accidents, and Rahu is known for chaos and surprises. Gemini is one of the signs of transportation, weather, and the media which has not been lacking stories of horrific accidents and destructive weather patterns.  I expect weather and accidents to continue be an issue during June and July.

Gemini also rules the nervous system, the intellectual mind, and communication.  Gemini is not known for being a physically strong sign, and having transit Rahu and Mars occupying Gemini can stress out the nervous system while bringing about a higher level of illness related to infections of the lungs and bronchial system.  We are currently experiencing an extra-long flu season along with higher rates of respiratory illnesses. Mars rules the blood as well as infections, which can account for the increase in these illnesses.

Mars can be very hard on the nervous system, which can be our first line of defense in handling the stress in our lives. Far too often, people can’t control their impulses or reactions if the nervous system is challenged. The basic nature of Mars is aggression, anger, and impulsive actions.  Those who have a weakened nervous system are especially vulnerable to the more destructive impulses of Mars.

There will be both a lunar and solar eclipse happening during this time period. Eclipses are known for causing emotions and imagination to become stronger than logic or rational thinking. Mercury is going to be retrograde and involved with the eclipses and the Mars placement.  It can be a challenge to stay detached and emotionally balanced throughout this time period. These configurations are temporary, and losing one’s temper or making foolishly spontaneous decisions can often have a long term negative effect on one’s life and relationships. Allowing our emotions to cause us to curse someone out or impulsively quit a job or end a good relationship (because of the Mars energy) may feel good in the short term, but the long term result can be painful.

Mars will enter Cancer, its sign of debilitation, on June 23 and stay in Cancer until August 9th.  Fortunately, Jupiter will be aspecting the sign of Cancer, offering some level of protection to an unhappy Mars.  Cancer is the sign of home and family which can often be a place of comfort and security.  For those who give in to the lower side of the Mars energy, beware!  Once Mars enters Cancer, there is a possibility that he will bring the results of negative actions taken during the transit of Mars through Gemini right into the home and family.

Travel delays and mistakes are common throughout Mercury retrograde, as well.  This time period is during the eclipses, so it might be hard to distinguish eclipse confusion from Mercury confusion.  As much as is possible, one should avoid new undertakings and complex contracts during this time period.  If traveling, it is important to leave extra time and be prepared for delays.  During most of the retrograde period, Mercury will be placed in Cancer and, while there, he will be with debilitated Mars.  These placements can indicate surprises and poor communication within the home. It is not a time to get unnecessary work done on our homes or to have expectations that teenage children will all of a sudden sprout angel’s wings. It is a time to make sure cars are in good working order, and curfews are enforced.  It is advised to keep meals simple and to choose relaxation over cleaning one’s carpet.  During these weeks, let people be and do not make a big deal over every detail or action that may be annoying to us.

Because the eclipses are taking place in the signs of Gemini and Sagittarius, we can expect that the drama and lies pervading our media will continue, as will the chaos and incompetence of the current administration. I expect during June and July to see more shocking revelations.  Since all of this will be taking place during eclipses and Mercury retrograde, more than a grain of salt should be taken with our information meals.

Given that we can’t control the world around us nor can we escape the influences of the planets on our chakras, energetic bodies, or the mindset of our loved ones, family and community, we are left with finding our own inner balance and harmony as we travel through the temporary influence of June and July.

The basic elements of fire, air, water, and earth permeate our bodies even though these elements are unseen to the naked eye.  Gemini is an air sign, and Sagittarius is a fire sign. Sagittarius, as the opposite sign of Gemini, is influenced by both Mars and Mercury retrograde while the eclipses always affect two signs – in this case Gemini and Sagittarius.  Mars is all fire (pitta) and, when connected to another fire sign and an air sign, the fire can easily become too hot.  Sometimes the simplest and most effective way to handle the energy is through taking care of the physical body.  This time period will respond very well to keeping down our levels of inflammation.  During the summer months, watching inflammation levels is important, and this summer it is really important to be watchful of the foods we eat.  One of the easiest ways to do this is to eat “pitta pacifying” foods:

Apples, Berries, Bananas, Grapes, Papaya, Peaches, Plums, Strawberries

Artichoke, Asparagus, Broccoli, Corn, Cucumber, Celery, Green Beans, Jicama,            Leafy Greens, Mushrooms, Okra, Olives, Peas, Sweet Potatoes

 Apple Juice, Berry Juice, Coconut Milk, Coconut Smoothies, Fig Shake, Goat

 Milk, Mango Juice, Peach Nectar, Pear Juice

 Avocado Oil, Coconut Oil, Olive Oil, Sesame Oil, Walnut Oil.

The air element (Vata) is important to the nervous system, so it is a good idea to work with meditation and the breath in order to keep the air element in balance:

All breathing should be done through the nose only.

Alternative Nostril breathing will quickly bring the mind and thoughts back into balance. Sitting up straight either on a chair with the feet flat on the floor or in meditative posture place the thumb of the right hand on the right nostril and the pinky finger on the left nostril. Close off the right nostril and inhale for four seconds through the left nostril. Hold the breath for two seconds. Release the thumb from the right nostril and exhale for four seconds. Keeping the thumb off of the right nostril immediately inhale for four seconds. Hold for two seconds. Release the pinky from the left nostril and exhale for four seconds. This is one round.  Immediately begin the cycle again by inhaling through the left nostril to continue the breath cycle. Twenty-six repetitions is ideal, but even eleven repetitions will be positive.

Complete breath will calm down frayed nerves and is a good practice before meditation.  Sit as above with the palms facing upwards, touch the thumbs to the index fingers on both hands, close your eyes, and begin long slow breathing through the nose.  If you are not used to doing this breath, inhale for four seconds, hold the breath for four seconds* and exhale for four seconds. *If you have high blood pressure, heart problems, or find that your body is uncomfortable during the hold only hold the breath for a moment.  If you have other concerns, you should speak with your health care provider.


Mudra is the Sanskrit word for seal and most often involves the placement of the fingertips.  These positions work on a subtle level to enhance energetics.  The pinky is assigned to Mercury and holding the tip of the thumb to the tip of the pinky while breathing or even sitting in a traffic jam or business meeting this simple action will signal a calming influence throughout the nervous system.

2019 seems to be flying by and, given the amount of planetary action taking place, I believe the months of June and July will go by quickly.  All of the days throughout this time period will not be challenging which means there is no reason to cower and hide.  There will be good days, as well, and it is important to participate in activities which bring simple fun into our lives, so…. swim, hike, watch funny movies, and take breaks from the daily grind whenever possible.  Just remember to take good care of yourself and those around you during this summer.