About Linda

Linda was designated as a “Jyotish Visharada” by the Council of Vedic Astology. She has also been awarded certificates for her studies with Dennis Flaherty and David Frawley. Linda is authorized to teach for the CVA.

Transiting Planets Moving On


This week marks the end of the Mars conjunct Mercury which has been affecting us, with a few breaks, since 10/31/2023. Mercury moves into Capricorn on 2/1. Mercury is well placed in Capricorn and indicates

Transiting Planets Moving On2024-01-29T18:08:22+00:00

Feeling a bit grouchy?


I am a New Yorker who appreciates living in four seasons. I like the longer nights and cooler temperatures of the winter season. There is usually a slower pace to life in January and I

Feeling a bit grouchy?2024-01-23T17:36:22+00:00

Solstice 2024


Happy and peaceful holidays to all as we celebrate our traditions! As an Astrologer I always acknowledge the astronomical beginning of winter known as the Winter Solstice. This year it is on 12/21 at 10:27

Solstice 20242023-12-20T19:25:43+00:00

Lunar Eclipse


On Saturday, 10/28, there will be a lunar eclipse starting at 2:01 p.m., EDT and ending at 6:26, p.m, EDT.This will be the last eclipse in the Aries/Libra constellation axis. The past 18 months have

Lunar Eclipse2023-10-23T17:52:16+00:00

Autumn Equinox


The Autumn Equinox marks the beginning of the Autumn season in the northern hemisphere and the beginning of the Spring season in the southern hemisphere. In theory, the hours of day and night are said

Autumn Equinox2023-09-24T13:33:14+00:00

Sometimes it’s just the transits.


A person’s natal chart is a snapshot of the transits on the day and time of birth. The qualities of the planetary placements and relationships in the snapshot will be relevant throughout one’s current incarnation.

Sometimes it’s just the transits.2023-07-17T16:23:00+00:00

Summer Solstice 2023


June 21st at 10:57 a.m. marks the beginning of summer and is the longest day of the year. Even as we begin the hot months of summer the Summer Solstice is the day which marks

Summer Solstice 20232023-06-14T19:03:50+00:00

Cosmic Notes 4/17/23


The remaining days of April are going to be busy ones for the planets, The first of two eclipses occur with the Solar Eclipse on 4/19,20 from 9:45 p.m, to 2:45 a.m. (The Lunar Eclipse

Cosmic Notes 4/17/232023-04-17T18:45:34+00:00

Cosmic Notes 2/28/23


For many of us it can feel as if 2022 did not skip a beat once 2023 started. For some, it feels like they are living through a very bad episode of “Ground Hog Day.”

Cosmic Notes 2/28/232023-02-28T18:19:18+00:00

Cosmic Notes 1/8/23


Happy New Year! For many of us it may seem as if we are caught in a chapter of “Ground Hog Day” as the transiting planets continue to stay in the signs and motion of

Cosmic Notes 1/8/232023-01-08T20:32:17+00:00
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